Tuesday, October 2, 2012

What does the future look like?

I just answered a question that had been posted online.  It asked, what does the future look like according to you?  Since the beginning of time, I could imagine that man often pondered this question.  From the Mayans to the cold war era “The Jetsons” view of the future, it’s a fascinating subject.  I’m not one to believe in the “doom and gloom” versions of the future, people have been predicting “the end” for quite some time, and history has shown they are batting at .000.  

My view of the future is based on some pretty obvious stuff:  The population will grow as people will live longer and the life expectancies in currently developing countries will be much longer.  The need for resources for this growing population will drive innovation.  Energy will play a huge role in the future.  An important x-factor will be transportation.  In less than 100 years, humans went from wood and canvas flying machines to supersonic jets, rockets, and space shuttles.  The next 100 years will see transportation technology that will make the current means human travel seem ancient.            

So what exactly would I see in the future?  I would look into the future and see the end of institutional religion as we know them.  I’m personally not an atheist or agnostic, but a large amount of people on this planet are simply not mature and rational enough to see religion as a means of peace and education, not a means to hate others for not agreeing with your religion.  Therefore, moderate and rational people will place less time, passion, and effort into these religions, and they will eventually lose influences over the masses, and then die off as a result.  Once the power of institutional religion is gone, we will see a future of unprecedented scientific, social, and technological progress.  The future man will be a spiritual person, not a religious one, as he had in the past. 

I see a future where most humans will be racially ambiguous due to generations of mixing of different races.  A mixture of dominant genes from several races will dictate the physical appearance of future humans.  As mentioned, scientific and medical advances will take place and people will ultimately live longer; A lot longer.  This means the living population on earth will ultimately expand even more.  First, technology will allow humans, who at some point will have exhausted most of the space on “suitable” land; to figure out how to live comfortably in deserts and arctic areas.  Then humans; since 2/3s of the planet is under water, will build self-contained and self sufficient cities under water; first in bays or off shore, then in the middle of the oceans.  Eventually, humans will colonize habitable planets within the our galaxy or possibly solar system, facilitated by spacecraft using advanced propulsion technology able to travel at sub-light speeds, will be able to send groups of people to the edges of our solar system within months. 

The struggle for energy will be a thing of the past.  Tesla’s theories of electric currents in the atmosphere and in space, and the safe transfer of wireless energy, will eventually be proven true, and wireless energy will be collected from space to be used to power man’s machines and cities on the earth.  There will be no need for power plants, fossil fuels, generators, or even nuclear reactors.  Automobiles will largely be electric and with the perfection of safe, wireless electric transmission; expensive, heavy, and toxic batteries will go away.  Water will be a sought after resource, and therefore desalination technology of the future will facilitate supplying not only a large population with potable drinking water, but irrigation for agriculture in places where there were not previously agriculture helping to feed this larger population. 

Advances in communication will also be dramatic.  Gone will be the days of laptops, computers, keyboards, computer mice, and even smart phones.  Small, button-less, screen-less, voice (or fingerprint) activated electronic devices, little bigger than a modern credit card will be able to act as a phone, a TV, a radio, an internet browser, a book reader, a navigation system, a computer, and a house key.  It will be used to stream in holographic images of TV shows, the news, movies, the internet, and make video calls from anywhere without the need for impractical and expensive audio/visual equipment or even an internal power source. 

The military of the future will also be a different place as civilization will grow weary of casualties in conflict.  However, a few will still conduct war.  In the future, unmanned fighter craft and bombers will eventually replace humans in the cockpits.  Naval warships will also be notably absent of human sailors.   Advances in robotics will also lead to more ground armies made up of autonomous or remote controlled machines capable of moving on all known land terrain, without the logistical needs required for a human foot soldier.  It may be very feasible that in the future, the outcome of wars will be decided on whose machines inflict the most damage on the on their opponents machines without a single human war casualty.  Conventional weapons technology of the future will also be so devastating and frightening, that most countries will rarely conduct warfare at all. 

This is what I would expect to see in the future based not simply of me guessing, but based on the past innovations that started in the industrial revolution and the historically constant needs of humans.  Very few people 150 years ago could have predicted how life would be today.  So I don’t think my predictions are really that far out there.