Monday, November 21, 2011

Ulysses S. Grant, an unlikely role model, and an analysis of the power of determination.

“In every battle there comes a time when both sides consider themselves beaten, then he who continues the attack wins.”  -Ulysses S. Grant

As I child, I had little interest in traditional "children's books".  I was into history and biographies from a very young age.  I remember as a 6 and 7 year old going to my local Carnegie library reading books about the railroads, the auto industry, wars, and ancient civilizations.  I learned about many historical figures and events.  The American Civil War, in particular, had me interested immediately.  One character that stuck out to me was Ulysses S. Grant.  He graduated at the bottom of his west point class, and was unsuccessful in almost anything except the military.  He was also called a drunk by his detractors and enemies.  He did however, maintain a sense of courage and determination which is nothing less than legendary.  His determination would ultimately have history remembering him as the most successful commander of the American Civil War, and arguably the most successful American military commander as a whole.  He is also the only American general to have caused the surrender of three entire armies.  An example of this determination was at the Battle of Shiloh in 1862, when his army was getting a thumping on the first day of the fight.  His friend, General Sherman remarked, "We've had the devils own day, haven't we?"  Grant's response was, "lick em tomorrow."  Such an attitude shows that despite crappy circumstances and mass carnage, one is willing to keep the determined attitude he will be successful.  Sure enough, the next day, he took the fight to his enemy and won the day.       

So, what does this have to do with me?  I was never at the "head of the class" in terms of school (at least after middle school).  I was never the best athlete (though I did plenty of different sports, i didn't do any phenomenally great).  I was never "OMG you're a damn genius!!!" intelligent either.  But one thing I have always been blessed with is determination; the same determination which drove General Grant to win again and again, regardless of the odds.  Growing up in the inner city of the North-side of Pittsburgh PA in the 80s and 90s; let's just say, your prospects and odds for great success in life (and sometimes survival for that matter) weren't exactly a foregone conclusion.  I was determined not to become a statistic as countless others had, or to give up on life, content with poverty and obscurity.  I was driven to not only survive my circumstances, but thrive through passionate determination.

I was not (and am not) the brightest bulb in the pack when it came to advanced math and biology, but I always enjoyed high school, despite average a rather unimpressive C+/B- average.  My goals were:  Finish school, get into college and also finish, join the military, which would get experience in a lucrative and rewarding job field of my choosing, get out of the military, and then find a good job.  In that exact order.  For someone who had a rough junior year in high school (again, I sucked in calculus and biology) getting through college while trying to support myself to pay for it was a daunting task.  Through determination, good fortune, and seizing opportunities, I accomplished my goals.  Was it easy?  No.  Right after joining the army, 9/11 took place, which got me the eventual guaranteed trip to war.  I got out of the military right before the economy took a crap.  So, despite my sometimes poor timing, bad luck, negative detractors, and seemingly implausible odds, my determination kept me fighting, picked me up when I stumbled, helped me keep beating the odds, and helped me find success again and again.  Getting depressed and feeling sorry for myself when life became a big bowl of suck, was never an option for me.    

Determination, in my view, is the single, most powerful virtue of man.  A determined man or woman is a force to be reckoned with, and can accomplish anything.  General Ulysses S. Grant and many others, serve is no-kidding, no BS, historical examples of how powerful such a tool is in the right hands.  My early studies of Grant in particular, helped me discover this God-given virtue; determination, and use it to my advantage.  I hope and pray that all us can use this determination not only for continued personal success, but also for the betterment of mankind and society as a whole.                     


  1. Great piece. My inner-Grant never takes a break, or day off. I'm an avid student of history, as well. So I'm curious to see where this blog goes.

  2. This is the first blog I have read using my new android phone. I like the quote you used from Grant. if you don't mind I think I will write a blog post on poker using the same quote.

  3. Excellent! Reading this was like reading my own life story of determination, without much else determination trumps intellect, skill and even luck. Recognizing this God given gift as a strength to be reckoned with is also a gift, so application must be a virtue:)
